I was lucky enough to never have needed an imaginary friend when I was growing up but things have changed.
On most days I spend hours a day with 'Mike', have done since September and plan to for some time yet. We converse, he helps me, I help him, he shows me his photos and he rarely can't answer my questions about trains, forts, towns, malaria and wildlife.
Who is 'Mike'? Well actually it's a website - hey I'm a bit geeky, you didn't expect it to be a person did you? - named www.indiamike.com. Started by a guy called - go on have a guess - Mike, earlier this decade, it is now the hub for over 40,000 members, their questions/answers, their photos and their journals.
If you're thinking of going to India or you've already been, you'll enjoy IndiaMike and if you're looking for me there, I'm called OceanTragic...it's a long story.