Today saw the first round of inoculations for us all.
Jane and I hadn't been anywhere far off for some years - have I said that before? - so we needed pretty much everything going. The girls had been jabbed a few times throughout their life so were saved a few inoculations, although typically certain jabs for children can't be combined so they ended up needing exactly the same number of needles.
For those who are thinking about travelling to India here's the recommendations made by our travel clinic. Obviously this advice was specifically for us after they found out our itinerary, destinations, accomodation:
- Diptheria
- Tetanus
- Polio
- Typhoid
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B - this was mainly recommended because we are going for over a couple of weeks and we're going to wildlife parks.
We were not recommended Malaria tablets as our destination was in the 'low to no risk' zone shown in
NHS's Fit For Travel Malaria Map For India. They gave me a grilling about what I'd be doing to prevent getting bitten in the first place; good on them for this; I passed the test.
I asked about a rabies jab - as I'd read a few reports about this recently - but it's not free on the NHS, it costs £120 per person, so I decided the risk didn't equate to the £480 I'd need to spend.
A few weeks ago I had an appointment with the local travel NHS clinic and it was decided that the following were needed:
- Adults: Diptheria/Tetanus/Polio (1 jab), Typoid/Hepatitis A (1 jab), Hepatitis B (course of 3 jabs)
- Kids: Typoid (1 jab), Hepatitis A (1 jab), Hepatitis B (course of 3 jabs)
In round 1 (today) it was three jabs each. Round 2 (in a week) sees us all have a single Hep B jab. Round 3, the same, a week later. After that we'll go on holiday, come back and a few months later have boosters for (I think but it's all blurring) Hep B and Typoid which will last something like 20 years.
Now for those of though that don't know us, Jane is not good with needles. Fainting is common occurrence where needles or blood are concerned.
So it was no suprise that all day long poor old Emilia was worrying herself to death: she couldn't remember having injections before but was confident it was really going to hurt. All day long we had chats about and I tried to stop her worries but to no avail.
In the clinic we all went in together and I tried to convince Emilia to go first to get it out of the way. She was having none of it.
"No Dad you go first". I did and saw Amy in awe, "wow look at that". I always knew Amy would get through this like water of a duck's back.
Then Emilia, *panic* *panic*, all done in a minute, no pain, no moaning, good girl.
Then nonchalant Amy had her turn. No problem, sat on my lap, got her jabs and then...she went very quiet. Beads of sweat started appearing on her top lip, my hand on her shoulder started getting very warm. A few minutes of head between your legs time and she was feeling much better.
Jane's turn had arrived. "Oh no" I thought here we go again, but luckily she was okay.
Roll on next Friday....arrrgghhh!!!